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The Prayer Arsenal-January 20, 2014

Prayer it is a powerful tool for good. An ever present help against evil. It is so important you must have a prayer arsenal ready.

Monday Morning Devotion-January 20, 2014 

The Prayer Arsenal 

Therefore submit to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.    James 4:7-8


            At my church, Good Samaritan UMC, we have a favorite saying that "we are building our church one prayer at a time."  We are in our 8th year now and we just had a meeting to plan how to begin building our second building, soon, we hope.  

            Prayer has brought us a long way through the economic doldrums and we are boldly confident that we are following God's will. So we are looking to push those plans, that have been just a dream, forward. 

            Before the tough times came along we had developed a long term plan that included three buildings.  We built the first and we are bursting at the seams with an abundance of God's blessings. All the rooms are being used most nights for everything from worship band practice to young actors learning their roles. 

            In fact, it has become so crowded that we moved our Centering Prayer group to our home. We are certain that all of this has come about because we are a church that believes in prayer and is committed to it.

            After all didn't Jesus promise us that "You can ask for anything in my name and I will do it, because the work of the Son brings glory to the Father." (John 14:13)  That means that anything we ask in His name is according to His character and He will not grant anything that is contrary to His character."  So it is a great promise and an even greater reminder to us of how we should lead our lives as Christians.  

            In addition to my CP group, we have two intercessory prayer groups and we lift of the "prayers of the people" each Sunday in both worship services.  We have seen some miraculous answers to prayer come about because we believe in prayer and consistently call on our Heavenly Father for wisdom and guidance as we remember to praise Him for all He has done in the past.

            Now that is a long lead in to my topic today which is to call attention to an aspect of your personal prayer arsenal that is always available.  It may be something you have already accessed without even really being conscious of it.

            It is what I've always thought of as a quickie prayer.  It is the kind of prayer that is most often used when a problem unexpectedly occurs.  You need help fast whether it is an immediate decision that must be made or there is a dire need for outside human help.  It is used in emergencies. But, it has even more far-reaching propensities.

            The thing about prayer is that it has no particular place, time-frame or restrictions.  The Lord does not allot us a certain amount of prayer time.  We don't have to work ourselves into His busy schedule and -Gosh, if anybody would have a busier schedule than Him…I'd hate to see it.

            Truthfully, since time means nothing to God there is really no schedule that your prayer would be interrupting. That's the beauty of it these brief prayers are not time-restrained.

            Let me share with you what I recently read in "Jesus Today" (pg.24-25) by Sarah Young.

            "Use your trials and troubles to draw closer to Me.  Whenever you start to feel distresse, turn that around by talking with Me.  Let pain and problems remind you of your constant need for Me.  Create a collection of brief prayers."

            Next is offered some quickies that you can offer up at anytime, but would be especially effective when danger, disaster or any difficulty threatens you.

            "Help Me Jesus."

            "Fill me with Your Peace."

            "Show me Your way."

            All of these are good. They are a quick and easy way to immediately call on the Lord for help.  You might want t to develop one or two of your own.  They don't have to always be used in dire, world-changing circumstances. 

            Sometimes you just need to calm down so you can think clearly and this is a good way to do that…get the Lord involved by asking for His help.

            Reading further in Jesus Today:  "These requests are spiritual nutrients---soul vitamins.  The more you use them, the healthier and happier you will be."

            "When you view troubles in this way---as reminders to draw near Me---you can actually rejoice in your trials."

            Now think about that.  We'd just as soon not have to face difficulties.  But, think about the times that you have been tested or gone through a tough situation.  Then, move on beyond that remembrance to how you felt when you got through it.  How rewarding it was that you passed the test or even that you survived.  It made you stronger.  It made you thankful.

            "Of course, this requires training your mind to move quickly from problem mode to prayer mode.  It is crucial to have your arsenal of prayers that will flow readily out of your heart."

            In the reading Jesus says to practice them to Him, until you are familiar with them.  It is kind of like you do with your children or grandchildren.  You patiently listen as they recite lessons, or try to memorize something, or demonstrate what they learned in class or in sports. You never tire because you love them.  That's the way Jesus loves you.

            I have taken these brief prayers beyond just asking for God's help.  I use them every day to quickly thank Him.  As soon as I wake up I thank Him for The Lovely Susette, my wonderful wife.

            I thank Him for the gift of another day.  I thank Him for my Home.  I look outside and say Thank You Lord for a Sunny Day.  Or Thank you for the rain that we needed.  The list is endless and you can cover all them by simply saying:  "Thank You Lord for All Your Blessings."

            The Lord loves a happy heart and thankfulness is a certain sign of one.  So incorporate a little arsenal of brief (quickie) prayers into your larger Prayer Arsenal that includes public prayer, silent prayers, intercessory prayers, written prayers,….the list is endless. 

            Our God is a big God who loves to hear from you so keeping on developing that Prayer Arsenal.

Monday Prayer: Lord thank you for the privilege and the power of prayer and the many ways we can be in touch with you through our prayer arsenal.  Amen!


***Author's note:  Wishing you great success this week in further developing your prayer arsenal.



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