Monday Morning Devotion-February 27, 2023
There's a Reason
God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
*First published in January 2016
From the NY Times (October 17, 2014): "On April 15, 2013, James Costello was cheering a friend on near the finish line at the Boston Marathon when the bombs exploded, severely burning his arms and legs and sending shrapnel into his flesh. During the months of surgery and rehabilitation that followed, Mr. Costello developed a relationship with one of his nurses, Krista D'Agostino and they soon became engaged. Mr. Costello posted a picture of the ring on Facebook. "I now realize why I was involved in the tragedy," he wrote. "It was to meet my best friend, and the love of my life."
Obviously, Mr. Costello found meaning in an event in his life even though he suffered much physical pain. What about you? Do you believe that "everything happens for a reason" as the popular saying goes?
When something bad happens to you does it happen for a reason? What about something really good? When that happens and you are ecstatically happy is there a reason why this happened to you?
If you are like me, I think that every event in my life has a meaning because I believe in God. My God is not a small-time operator. He is involved in all things, big or small, happy or unhappy that happens in my life. Or do you believe there are random circumstances that just happen for no particular reason at all.
Perhaps most atheists believe this way, right? Not necessarily. The "Yale Mind and Development Lab" asked people to reflect on significant event in their lives and it was not a surprise that a majority of religious believers said they thought those events happened for a reason and that they had been purposefully designed by God.
The surprising thing is that many of the atheists surveyed said that "they believed in fate----defined as the view that life events happen for a reason and there is an underlying order to life that determines how events turn out." Obviously, they did not say that God was behind these.
Our scripture reading from Romans says that "God causes"…what? Only good things to happen to us because we believe in Him? No! It says that God causes "all things to work together." So that would seem to include good and bad.
Some would say that there are certain "coincidences" that happen and well, they just happen. There is no real purpose…there is no real reason behind them. That view would be in opposition to the scripture that says all things happen for a purpose, i.e., His purpose.
If you read the book of Esther in the Bible, you will not see God's name mentioned at all. It becomes obvious that these so-called coincidences are not "simply products of cause and effect or random chance. The coincidences that mark our lives are ordained by God and are intended for our good. It was only when looking back that Esther and Mordecai could clearly see the hand of God in what had happened to them. We often fail to sense God's hidden guidance or protection as events in our lives unfold. But, when we look back, we are able to see His hand more clearly, even in those times when such events or circumstances appeared as tragedies in our lives." ( ).
My Mom was fond of saying that something was "a blessing in disguise" in instances where nothing good was readily discernible in the thing that happened. That is because she had a deep-seated belief that God would bring good out of bad. In other words, there was a reason this happened and, ultimately, we would understand that good would come from it.
Charles Stanley in "Every day in His Presence" writes "If difficulties persist no matter what we do and we don't understand them, that's OK. Just honor the Lord in them. There's a reason that these things happen. The Lord will see you through and help you to grow through these times. Simply ask Him, "Father what would you have me learn?"
A key phrase in today's scripture is; "who have been called according to His purpose." The LAB commentary points out that "There is evil prevalent in our fallen world, but God is able to turn every circumstance around for our long-range good. Note that God is not working to make us happy, but to fulfill His purpose."
Additionally take note of the fact that "this promise is not for everybody. It can be claimed only by those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Those who are 'called' are those the Holy Spirit convinces and enables to receive Christ. Such people have a new perspective, a new mind-set on life. They trust in God, not life's treasures; they look for security in heaven, not on earth, they learn to accept, not resent, pain and persecution because God is with them."
Looking at Romans 8:28, Jerry Bridges, author of the classic book, "Trusting God" writes about these "things that work together." "The things of Romans 8:28 are like the ingredients of the biscuit dough. By themselves they are not tasteful to us. We shun them. And we certainly shun the heat of the oven. But cooked, when God in His infinite skill has blended them all together and cooked them properly in the oven of adversity, we shall one day say' 'it is good.' "
So, remember this week, no matter what happens, there is a deeper reason behind even the smallest of occurrences. Keep trusting God and seeking the answers to what He has in mind for you and ultimately these things that "work together for good" in your life will do just that.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for having a reason for all things big or small in our lives. Amen!