Monday Morning Devotion-December 23, 2024
True Meaning
But when the fullness of time had fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born under law. Galatians 4:4
*from December 19, 2019
The inspiration for today's devotion comes from a book I found while searching through granddaughter Ellee's voluminous library. It's entitled "Donald's' Christmas Gift."
Say what? Well, you have to admit that Christmas can become so over commercialized that the true meaning of this special time slides into the background and sometimes is not celebrated appropriately at all.
Well, here's what the Disney Character Donald Duck learned of importance about Christmas. As they were decorating the Christmas tree Donald overheard Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse say:
Daisy: (whispered) "Do you think Donald will like his present?"
Minnie: "Oh yes. It's going to be the best present under the tree."
Just thinking about what a grand present that might be Donald got very excited. "I can't wait to find out what my present is?" Then he saw a small card slip from Minnie's hand on the floor. He picked it up and it was from a nearby store; "We've Got Wheels."
He thought that might be a clue to his present, so he rushed over. He asked the shopkeeper if Minnie had been in there and he said, "Yes she sold me this bicycle."
Donald recognized it and asked why she would do that. The man said that she needed the money to buy a Christmas present. Donald asked where she was going, and he was told the Book Nook.
There he found out Mickey had sold his books about mice.
As he continued to follow the clues to different stores. He discovered that all his friends had sold something to get his present. Then, it dawned on him he hadn't bought any of them a present.
Meanwhile his friends were wrapping a very large piggy bank for Donald's prized penny collection. He had 62,355 pennies.
Donald was puzzled. Why would all of his friends give up things they loved to buy him a present? Didn't they know Christmas was a time for getting presents?
He thought for a minute. Closing his eyes, he pictured each of his friends holding presents. Then it dawned on him. They weren't getting presents they were giving them.
"Wait a minute. That's the true meaning of Christmas," said Donald. "I know what to do." He raced home and put all of his pennies in a large sack. Then he hurried out and started buying his friends treasures back. Then he had no pennies left.
On Christmas morning as they all gathered around the Christmas tree, they wanted Donald to open his present first, but he said. "No, I have some presents for you."
He gave Minnie her bicycle back. And Mickey his book collection. Pluto got his bone back. And Goofy got his colorful green hat back. He gave Daisy her special gift.
Then they gave Donald his gift. A large piggy bank. But he had no money left to put in it. He chuckled when he opened it and said: "Thanks everyone it's a wonderful gift but you all have given me a much greater gift. You have shown me the true meaning of Christmas."
The true meaning of Christmas lies in giving not getting because it's the holiday that celebrates God's gift to the world--- the birth of the Savior his Son, Jesus.
This was a gift that was well-planned. In his book, "Come Before Winter and Share My Hope," Dr. Charles R. Swindoll described the plan:
"At just the right moment, precisely as God arranged in keeping with a plan---enter Messiah.
Micah said it would be in Bethlehem, Judah. It was. But I thought Joseph and Mary were of Nazareth, Galilee. They were. Aren't those places miles apart? Yes, in those times days apart. Then how? Well, you see, that's just a small part of the plan, nevertheless amazing. Especially when you consider Mary was almost "term" in her pregnancy. To get them down south on good roads---unheard of prior to the Roman takeover. And they were forced to travel because the census from Caesar Augustus forced Joseph to register in person in the city of his family roots, Bethlehem.
Thanks to good roads, a decision in Rome, and a bothersome census, it happened at just the right place. At just the right time."
The Quest Study Bible commentary on the timing referred to in Galatians 4:4:
"Jesus didn't arrive late or early. He came right on schedule. Some suggest that world conditions were ripe for the spread of the gospel: the ruling Romans had ushered in an era of peace though their law and order; their network of roads made travel more convenient; the widespread use of the Greek language simplified communication. At the same time the proliferation of empty religions among many people created a spiritual hunger within them for something genuine."
This history-changing birth occurred in "the fullness of time" which means that God is in control of time, so he planned the birth at the exact time that was best. And forever we celebrate this gift from him on Christmas Day. The birth of the Christ child. Savior of the world.
That is the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of giving and the joy of receiving.
Prayer: Heavenly Father thank you for this marvelous gift. May we celebrate it appropriately with grateful hearts. Happy Birthday Jesus. Amen!