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Write it Down-January 27, 2014

Have you thrown away that pencil for a cell phone and computer? Well it is still important to write things down even if you put them in your computerized notes or do it the old fashioned way.

Monday Morning Devotion-January 27. 2014

Write it Down 

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.            Romans 15:4

            I'm sure you've never had this happen.  You rush out into the busy world and on your daily journey you think of something that you really need to get done.  You think. "Oh yeah, I'll do it this afternoon." 

            That evening after dinner while you are relaxing with a good book or watching television or doing something fun it suddenly pops into your head.  "Oh, my gosh I forgot to call about my trash pickup or newspaper delivery or my real estate taxes or…"

            No, you are not getting old.  Well, you are but we all are.  The mind is processing a lot of stuff.  So the best thing to do when it's something important that you can't stop and do that red-hot-minute is to write it down.  Put it on a list that you are sure to come across later.

            OK I'm going to make the concession that many people are so technologically oriented now that they don't even carry a pen with then.  So write it down anyway…in your notes on your cell phone or put it on your hourly calendar and set it so a reminder (alert) to go off at a certain time.  When it does if you are tied up and can't do it then, re-set it and the alert for later.

            The point is although the written word may seem like it is a relic it is very important in our lives.  Looking back in my past devotionals I found this from January 15, 2007.

            "A written word is the choicest of relics.  It is something at once more intimate with us and more universal than any other work of art.  It the work of art nearest to life itself." (Henry David Thoreau (1817-62)

            So, what's up with this "relic" bit? Webster says a relic is "something that has historic interest because of its age and associations with the past , or that serves as a keepsake or souvenir."

            That pretty much describes why I became a writer.  The thing is when you write something down it takes on a life of its own that transcends just the immediate and the superficial.  The things you write can last a lifetime and beyond.  These written words say something about who you are, what you believe and how you approach life.  That's why we should not only write stuff but be careful about what we write.

            This week I started a new and very interesting class called "Storyline."  The subtitle is "Finding your subplot in God's story."  Many times I have written that God has a plan for your life.  I fully believe that and I am continually trying to discover all of it's intricacies and stay on track.

            This class challenges us to think about God's story.  What is His story and how do we fit in it.  He created us for a reason.  He created the world for a reason.  And within this whole complex master plan He has a role for each of us to play.

            You may not have thought about it along those lines.  But, if we have this awesome God who created all things big and small…if he is smart enough, powerful enough, creative enough to do that it is logical to think that he knew what He was doing and had a purpose behind it all.

            No way did He just throw things out there helter-skelter and let them fall where they may.  Your birth was well-thought out and what you would do with this life you were given was determined.

            Of course you may not be following the plan because God allows you make your own decisions.  But as the Storyline book by Donald Miller says: "God wants to interact with us."

            So it is much to His delight when we call on Him for His help.  We are very reluctant at times to ask for help from anyone.  We think it may be perceived as a weakness or ineptitude.

But Miller points out that God wants to "…enjoy time with you, have a relationship with you and enjoy the fact that you, in turn, enjoy Him."  That makes you special.  Me too!

            As much as I like to write, perhaps I like to read even more.  Our house is "Reading Central."  The Lovely Susette and I always have books, magazines, newspapers going and now even more things to read are available on our IPads.

            I have to be careful that I don't get so involved in reading that I forget to write.  Currently I have a re-write of a screenplay and a book in the hopper and a number of other writing projects waiting in line.

            I also write devotions (obviously) each week and articles for magazines and sometimes newspapers.

            On the other hand I will frequently have four or five books that I am reading that are vying for my attention.  So, at times reading becomes a foe of writing.  Although it is often a valued partner because it stimulates ideas to use in writing.  But it all involves the written word.  It all requires that I write it down.

            Looking back at that 2007 devotional here's what my thinking about the written word


was…reading it and writing it:      


            "But, one thing that we read at our house daily is the Bible.  As far as I am concerned it is the ultimate in written words; the choicest of relics. From the Bible I get inspiration and instruction.  I am encouraged by it and challenged as well.  On its pages I find hope and wisdom.  I'm entertained by its stories.  Intrigued by the people who populate its pages. 

            I find that what motivational/religious speaker John Riley once said is true for me as well.  He said, "I can pick up the Bible and read a verse of scripture that I have read 90 times before and I'll still get something new, a new understanding from it."

            Isn't that amazing?  I believe it is because we read these verses at different stages in our lives.  So, we are often bringing a changed mindset to the reading and understanding of a familiar passage of scripture.  It is not that the Bible verses are changing, but we are.   That's why we should read it constantly."

             As I read and write I find that I am gradually beginning to understand more just what my story within God's story is. It is truly an adventure that I am blessed to take.

            So remember "write it down" that way you better remember the things that help you

enjoy life more as you continually get closer to the Lord.

Monday Prayer:  Lord thank you for the opportunity and ability to write down the things we need to remember that make life smoother and more enjoyable. These are the things that develop a closer relationship with you that is built one experience at a time.  Amen!

***author's note:  Write it down this week for more fun and less exasperation.






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