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Your Assignment-March 25, 2013

What's your assignment? Huh? What am I talking about? Well you do have an assignment and if you don't know what it is how can you complete it?

Monday Morning Devotion-March 25, 2013

Your Assignment

Let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another. Galatians 6:4

Assignment is not my favorite word. Not sure why. Maybe it's a carryover from school days. You have just sat through an endless lecture…at least it seemed that way…then just before class is dismissed the professor says: "Now your assignment for next time is…." Then everyone groans (inwardly at least).

But assignments don't necessarily have to be something to be dreaded. An assignment can be a good thing. I like it when I get an assignment to write a magazine or newspaper article. Well, some are more enjoyable than others. There are those I would just as soon wish that somebody else was doing it.

But, I make it a point to never turn down one of those assignments. I just think about how honored I am that someone likes my work and trusts me to do a good job. So I accept them and treat each one the same…as if it was the most important piece of work I had ever undertaken.

OK, so what's your assignment in life? Wait a minute. That's a big jump you say. Going from a work assignment to the main thing we need to be doing with our lives. Actually each of us probably has more than one assignment. I'm not actually talking about work or school or any of those. I'm thinking more along the lines of what has God assigned you to do?

That's a tough one. Sometimes it is hard to figure that out. Mainly because we can resist His assignment(s) for a variety of reasons. First, of all we may not hear it. We are so busy with all the things we are doing we just don't stop to hear that still small voice with the big assignment.

Second, we may not understand it. With all the static in our lives we may not understand where this is coming from and really don't comprehend what it's all about.

There is probably a good reason for that. You see one thing I think God likes a lot is trust. Trust is something that evolves from faith. With God we take a lot of things on faith because we don't see Him face to face. We don't call Him on the phone. He doesn't have an email account. We can't text Him. So how do we know?

Author Mike Murdock helps clarify this a little for us in "The Assignment." He says that every person is created to solve a problem. That's "solve" not "be" a problem. I guess some folks haven't gotten that message. :)

Murdock points out that everything God creates is made to solve a problem. Eyes have the assignment of seeing. The nose smells, the mouth speaks, etc. He says, "problems are the catalyst for creativity."

Now this assignment is not actually a decision. Murdock says it is a discovery. God has prepared events and situations for those who love Him. When you seek these out then you will discover them through the Holy Spirit. When you discover where and what the Holy Spirit is leading you to then you will understand why "your gifts and skills are different from others around you and how it fits your Assignment. "

Here's the interesting thing about your assignment from God. There is a probably a love/hate factor involved. What infuriates you. What you really hate, may just be the problem that God calls on you to solve. You have a passion for seeing this corrected or eliminated therefore you may be the one God calls to do something about it.

Moses hated injustice. He despised the fact that his people were enslaved by Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Hated it so much he actually killed an Egyptian slave master. Guess what? Moses was the one who God called to lead his people to freedom.

If hate is not the clue to discovering your assignment then maybe love is. What you "love is a clue to the skills, gifts and wisdom you contain." You hold close those things you love. They give you determination, tenacity, and persistence when it comes to making them be best they can be.

If you look at your life and analyze the things that you truly love. Those things that are very important to you chances are your daily agenda revolves around these in some form or fashion. Or you giving them the attention they deserve. Does God have an even bigger and better plan in mind. Think about it. Pray about it.

Murdock says that your gifts that God may call on to be put to the task of completing your assignment are geographical. Geography matters. It controls the flow of what we do. Where we are often determines what we can get done. We may not even be in that place physically but we may be able to accomplish our assignment through modern technology.

Your assignment probably won't be completed overnight. May take lots of time. May take lots of research. Much planning. Tons of praying. Murdock says "God will not bless you just anywhere you go. He will bless you if you are willing to anywhere in order to obey and please Him."

Now I don't want that last statement to spook you are cause you forget about the idea of pursuing your assignment from God. Sure, that is an option. You can just drop the whole thing and say, "Hey, I'm doing OK, so I don't really need this. What have you got for next week's devotion." And maybe you are right. Maybe you are exactly where God wants you to be and doing what he wants. If so, then it won't hurt to just stop and ask, "God am I fulfilling my assignment? I love my life and my friends and my job and my family. Thank you very much God. I'm just checking in to see if I am on track with my assignment in life." I believe God will honor that prayer.

I do know this. You are the only one God has anointed for your assignment. God will never give you an assignment that you cannot handle if you trust Him and have faith that He will lead you to a successful conclusion.

Monday Prayer: Thank you Lord for giving us meaningful assignments in life that not only make our lives better but those around us as well. Amen!

***Author's note: I hope you will be in touch with God's assignment for your life this week.

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