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Weekly Devotions

So God made something out of nothing. Have you ever tried that. Maybe you could do it with a little help from a Friend!
We rush around doing stuff and never stop until we are exhausted. Ever stop to ask yourself
"What's the Hurry?"
Lightning...a powerful force. Something to be feared. Here's a true (very recent) story.
Ever think of your relationship with God as a collaboration?
What would it take to get God mad at you? And if that happened what would He do?
Here's a devotion as seen through the eyes of a two-year-old---well partly.
You are different. God designed you to be unique, therefore you will be unique in heaven. You will have a glorified body that is yours alone.
When things go wrong in your life do you ever wonder if you can trust God?
Keeping a low profile and proceeding slowly are not in our DNA. So how do we deal with that?
Is God Unfair? That's a "fair" question. Let's see if we can find the answer.

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