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Weekly Devotions

Pebble Beach can provide an example of how focusing on a certain problem, to the exclusion of the big picture, can cause you to miss out on the blessings around you.
Instead of complaining about rough seas, just bring in the boat.
The great thing about praying is not only that you can pray anytime, anywhere, but your prayers never die.
Traditions can help us have a happier life. When certain traditions come into view we just feel better about things and give thanks for them.
Be happy. Easy to say. Is it easy to do? It can be.
What's your hurry? You'll discover that you will be more successful if you tackle those problems one at a time.
Do you sometimes feel like your life is bouncing around like a ball in a pinball machine?
Excuses! They sometimes get in the way of major progress.
Is there a difference between a rock and a stone. Read on to find out.
Are you an encourager or a discourager?

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